How to build meaningful relationships at work
Wednesday, March 02, 2022
Kind and helpful people are easy befriending. Net photo.

Having meaningful relationships at work is known to boost career success. Imagine the excitement that comes with knowing that you have worthwhile connections with your colleagues, it’s pretty certain that work will be fun.

Relationships in the workplace are the connections you have with your colleagues, and they assist in creating professional networks. Not to forget the fact that they direct and push you to do the best of your role.  

Workplace relationships not only upsurge one’s fulfilment with their career, but also, advance efficiency among team members, increase the ease with presentations and team meetings as there is less or no fear with the people you’re used to, and most importantly, boost greater retention rates.

Research shows that having meaningful relationships at work is one of the most important factors of job satisfaction and overall well-being

According to Charlotte Teta, a communication expert, for any relationship to blossom, proper communication is key. And this includes taking time to know your colleagues as you open up to them, to know you better as well. At times, all it requires is asking questions.

She also points out that lasting relationships are those that have something to offer, but not only being on the receiving end, and making sure that trust is paramount. Let your colleagues know that they can count on you in case of any assistance.

"As much as you want to be understood in a relationship, be willing to put yourself in others’ shoes to understand and empathise with them. It is also important to put to use some skills, such as working as a team, solving conflicts and problems, among others,” she says.

She carries on that effective and long-lasting relationships are worth sparing time to know your co-workers better, for example, utilising lunchtime or after work hours to catch up, may open up much about a person that you just can’t know when you just say your ‘hellos.’

Teta is of the view that for those that have been at the company longer, when you provide any assistance on a project with the new colleagues, it means a lot, and that way, a meaningful connection can form. Kind and helpful people are easy befriending.

She also stresses that great connections happen when you are able to keep your promises. If you’re not able to do something or fulfil a promise often, no one would be willing to trust you. Be realistic, if you’re not willing to do anything, for various reasons, say it.

The communication expert urges keeping the relationship work-related and not personal, especially in the beginning. For instance, keep conversations about projects and work, that way, you could have established a boundary. Once that is clear, you are aware of how much is too much to share or disclose.

Robbert Indoli a sales and marketing expert in Remera highlights that it is necessary to know what others need from you and what you need from them. Once that is known, you can create better relationships.

He also adds that one should compliment or applaud others for their efforts or good work, as that’s how you can open doors to deeper connections. And make it a point to be positive. This is because people love being around positive people.

Indoli carries on that in case of broken relations, find means to resolve it, and avoid gossiping because it only leads to mistrust. In case you have an issue with someone, the wise way is to approach them and handle it in privacy.

He further says to find someone you can mentor, and that this doesn’t require you to be in a high position to do so. Considering you have enough experience at your job, there is pretty much that fresh employees can learn from you, and the more you share knowledge, the more you learn.