Social intelligence: Unlocking skills for workplace success
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

So you sometimes feel like you want to be around people who are great listeners, those who are not quick to judge, and most importantly, those you are comfortable with?

People with such skills are normally termed as those who are socially intelligent.

Being socially intelligent at work, means one is able to get along with the people they work with. 

Social intelligence allows for proper interpersonal interactions. / Net photo.

Besides, having this skill at work can also imply that one knows when it’s time to speak and how to deliver that message, which is very vital in any working environment.

Dr Opiyo Andala, an educator at Mount Kenya University says it’s ideal to understand that academic intelligence is not the only type of intelligence.

In the working environment, there are also general, analytical, practical, emotional, and social intelligence.

He says that when it comes to social intelligence, it simply means the ability to not only identify and express emotions, but to also use these appropriately in social settings and interpersonal interactions.

In terms of organisational behaviour, the educator points out how studies have linked emotional intelligence with high-performing employees.

"Interacting with others effectively and having technical knowledge of work means such an individual is considered good,” he says.

From the psychological point of view, Emmanuella Mahoro, a psychologist says social intelligence is the ability to adjust to our surroundings with intelligence.

She notes that it’s all about thinking and learning from our experiences while we accommodate to the altering needs around us at work and life in general, which according to her influences one’s intelligence level.


Dr Andrew E. Ivang from the Department of Clinical Biology, University of Rwanda-Huye campus says, first of all, social intelligence is essential for unlocking the skills of effective communication.

Also, he says this skill leads to great team working, which in the end results in having an optimal and productive work environment as employees in any working environment.

In addition, Ivang, who is also a psychologist says to be able to work together effectively, there is a need to first identify your colleagues’ feelings in order to help understand each other well.

"As a leader, when you are in a position to do this, it means you are able to help your team work better together. As this, in the long run helps establish good work relationships,” he says.

The ability to get along with your peers will get you their cooperation. But this is much more than the previous statement.

According to Andala, developing better working relationships so that others want to work with you means one is investing in others, and this will help those around you work alongside achieving one goal.

How to achieve this 

Mahoro points out that when it comes to social intelligence, there is a need to learn skills to observe nonverbal behaviour in order to understand other people’s emotions better.

This, she notes that it doesn’t necessarily mean that one has to have been born with a specific skillset but rather, one needs to learn and build upon them with time.

One way of doing this, Mahoro says is by striving at presenting yourself well in any kind of interaction happening at the workplace, which would help you act accordingly.

Ivang believes in influencing others as one way of being socially intelligent.

He explains that one can influence the outcomes of social interactions depending on what exactly such individuals need to achieve.

Besides, he goes on to note that it’s also for one to always mind and care about people they work with, especially when it comes to their needs.

This, he says goes hand in hand with displaying empathy for others, which is a skill that helps one to connect at a more meaningful level.

"It is also important to understand another person’s thoughts, feelings, and intentions by imagining they were happening to you. This will help you handle them with empathy,” he adds.