Five cows ‘poisoned’ , culprits on the run

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — Police and local authorities in Nyamyumba Sector, Rubavu District are hunting for unidentified people who allegedly poisoned five exotic cattle.

Monday, April 27, 2009


RUBAVU — Police and local authorities in Nyamyumba Sector, Rubavu District are hunting for unidentified people who allegedly poisoned five exotic cattle.

The owner of the cows, Theoneste Ntirikina says his animals died last week after eating fodder laced with acid and the carcasses were found in the kraal.

Ntirikina said he believes one of his neighbours was behind the incident because he had earlier attempted to kill his family, through his herdsman.

"Instead my herdsman came and reported. A few weeks later my five cows are poisoned. I have worked hard to get 11cows which were giving me good income from milk sales.

Some of my neighbours are however jealous, and they have ended up killing five of my cows,” he said. He added that a veterinary examination had confirmed poisoning. "Someone could have poured acidic substances in their eating containers,” he added.

Esperance Dukundimana, the Sector coordinator, condemned the incident cautioning residents against malicious acts.

"This is an act that should be denounced, we shall do everything possible together with the police to ensure that those behind the incident are identified and punished,” she said. "We should all support each other towards development instead of getting involved in conflicts and jealous acts.”

Dukundimana explained that after the incident, they convened a security meeting with the police in which they called on residents to identify possible suspects.

She suggested that residents contribute towards the replacement of Ntirikina’s cows in the case that no suspect is apprehended.

"We all saw the dead cows and saw the doctor’s report. Someone must have poisoned them,” she stressed.

A number of residents who talked to The New Times also condemned the incident, saying it had brought shame to the entire sector.
