At the entrance: An all women art exhibition on empowering female artists
Sunday, February 13, 2022
The eight female artists showcasing their artworks at the exhibition.

LOCAL MULTI-DISCIPLINARY artist Jemima Kakizi opened her two-week art exhibition dubbed "at the entrance” featuring a series of eight female visual artists.

The exhibition kicked off on Saturday night, February 12 at Kigali Soul Art Gallery in Nyarutarama, Gasabo district and will run until February 26.

According to Kakizi, the opening day of the exhibition was a success as they got a lot of positive feedback from different people who attended the exhibition.

She noted that she hopes this exhibition starts conversations that bring about change in the community and make female visual artists get recognized in the labor market.

She revealed that the exhibition aims at increasing visibility to local female artists within Rwanda's contemporary art context and assures that there will be more art exhibitions like this in the future.

Speaking at the exhibition space, Clement Iraguha, founder of Kigali Soul Art Gallery said that he was intrigued by the work of the artists since it was his first time hosting an exhibition of only female artists. He was honoured to have been the first art gallery owner to host an exhibition organized by only females.

Collage by Angella Ilibagiza. / Courtesy

According to him, the exhibition was a huge success because it received a big number of people who also benefited the gallery by improving its reputation and he made connections with different art lovers.

He declared that he was fascinated by their artworks and touched by the meaning behind the artworks. The gallery aims to support artists who need much support for a platform to help them show their artworks with no cost.

Speaking to The New Times, Gretta Ingabire, one of the artists who showcased her artworks in this exhibition revealed that the inspiration behind her artworks is about freedom of women and young girls as well as their beauty. 

Ingabire added that she enjoyed the collaboration between her fellow artists to demonstrate what they do and the fact that there are outstanding female artists in the industry of visual art.

According to Shemsa Neza, a contemporary artist who showcased her artworks in the exhibition her two artworks highlighted on female insecurities caused by being judged by the society to learn how to appreciate yourself so you can breathe and bloom.

She adds that her artworks also aimed at showing that working together as women is the only way up for all females in different fields. Neza noted that the exhibition was a great idea because it created awareness for female artists and bring different productive conversations on art.

Kakizi appreciated everyone who came to support the exhibition and called upon people to visit the exhibition.

The exhibition is open from 5pm to 10:30 pm, although the gallery will be open as usual at 8a.m.