APR can’t stop making news

Whether for the good reasons or bad or even both, APR Football Club don’t seem to stop being in the news, or probably to put in a more appropriate way, they can’t stop making news.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Whether for the good reasons or bad or even both, APR Football Club don’t seem to stop being in the news, or probably to put in a more appropriate way, they can’t stop making news.

Only in the last seven days or so, the record nine-time national league winners made three top news items—the week started with their striker Elias Uzamukunda signing a two-year professional deal with French Ligue 1 side Fc Nantes, then they set a national record win by thrashing second division side Etoile de l’est 22-0.

That was followed with the news that the Twite twin brothers, Mbuyu and Kabange are in line to join Belgium side Fc Racing Genk at the end of the current European season in May.

However, while the military side seem to be enjoying the moment, their rivals Rayon Sport are in real danger and the situation is on the verge of turning into a real crisis unless the club administrators do something and urgently.

To say, Rayon is on the blink of collapse would be an exaggeration of the situation at the country’s most popular club but a critical look at the what is happening there shows a bleak picture.

When Raoul Shungu returned to the club last season, I wrote in this space wondering whether he is the solution to Rayon’s problems—one year down the road and we have a situation where the DR Congo born coach is on a last warning—he’s being accused of causing the current crisis!

Rayon’s so-called hardcore fans right at the top of the ladder are the club’s real problem, and unless they realize that and first find a solution to that particular problem, the country’s most supported club will always remains in the shadows of their rivals APR—and if the problems persist for the next five years, even Atraco could be a bigger team.

Frantic times for Magpies

Just how much damage will Newcastle United’s failure to BEAT Portsmouth tomorrow night exactly cause?

For the Toon fans make no mistakes there are once again more questions than answers as for hope that a great club like Newcastle will be playing Premier League football next season.

The R word has now become a very realistic possibility unless Alan Shearer and his underperforming big earners can turn Newcastle’s season round in the last five games, starting tomorrow night against fellow relegation candidates.

With one win in 2009, a 3-2 victory over West Brom, the only team that have been more hopeless than Newcastle this season, I am starting to feel there is no reason to believe that things can change instantly.

Colleagues at work, all of them inevitably Man U, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea fans are giving me a heck of a time every morning about how my team (not that I own it but as a fan) is going to be relegated.

A few months ago, I cared less about those ‘careless’ taunts, thinking things would turn around quickly but with just five game remaining and no substantial improvement, the feeling of relegation is starting to sink in.

These are anxious times for every Magpie as Shearer frantically fights to save his home-town club from going down for the first time since gaining promotion in 1993/4 season.

Shocking stuff!!!!!!!!

Did anyone see this?? I watched the incidence on U-tube and I could not believe how a top pro at such a prestigious club as Real Madrid would do something like—I can imagine the sort of punishment our local player would get for doing a similar thing.

With the scores level at 2-2 and three minutes left at the Bernabeu, Real defender Pepe had a little push in the back of Getafe’s Francisco Casquero and the referee awarded a penalty.

Through frustration, the Portugal international kicked Casquero on the ground and a second swipe saw him direct his studs over the midfielder’s back—in the ensuing melee; he struck another Getafe player (Juan Albin) in the face.

Granted, the Gatefe player dived and the penalty decision was a little hash, but still what a terrible reaction from Pepe. Can you imagine if that happened in the English Premiership! It would be all over the place.

Pepe was shown a red card and had to be escorted off the pitch by team-mate Iker Casillas but though he immediately went public following the game to apologise for his actions, Spanish media suggest he could be ruled out for the final six games of the season.

"I’ve seen the incident repeated and I insist I don’t recognise myself. I was only aware of what I did at the end of the game. That’s why I spoke to the press immediately to apologise to everyone,’’ he told the pro-Madrid daily, Marca.

Newcastle midfielder Joey Burton is probably the most hated player in English football because he beat team mate Ousumane Dabo (now at Lazio) into submission in a training ground fight while the duo was still at Manchester City.

I don’t know how Pepe would fare if he was playing in England after what he did to a fellow professional in-front of thousands of people inside the Bernabeu and millions across the world, who were watching the game on television.
