Gov’t launches Pneumococcal vaccine

RUHUHA - The Ministry of Health in conjunction with Global Health partners yesterday administered the first dose of Pneumococcal vaccine to a Rwandan child at Ruhuha Health Centre, Eastern province.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Health Minister, Dr. Richard Sezibera, administers a vaccine to one month old Clementine Byukusenge belonging to Beatrice Mukamukama. (Photo/ G.Barya)

RUHUHA - The Ministry of Health in conjunction with Global Health partners yesterday administered the first dose of Pneumococcal vaccine to a Rwandan child at Ruhuha Health Centre, Eastern province.

Immunisation of one month old Clemetine Byukusenge marked the first step in the roll out of the national pneumococcal immunisation programme, which aims to vaccinate nearly all Rwandan children under one year by the end of 2009 and all infants on a routine basis thereafter.

According to the health minister Dr. Richard Sezibera, pneumococcal diseases are responsible for 25 percent of the country’s child mortality rate.

"This is a proud day for Rwanda and a milestone for the developing world. We are glad that we are the first nation to introduce this vaccine in sub-Saharan Africa and we are committed to improving the health of our children so that we build stronger generations for tomorrow,” he said.

Pneumococcal disease is the leading preventable killer of children under five. Sezibera urged parents to take their children for regular immunisation emphasising that this is one way through which the fourth millennium development goal (MDG) will be attained.

"By immunising Byukusenge, we have given her a chance to celebrate her 10th, 20th, 50th and even 70th birthday. She will also be able to immunise her two children and four grand children knowing the role of acquiring vaccination against such deadly diseases,” Sezibera said.

Dr. Julian Lob-Levyt, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GAVI Alliance, a partner organization in this cause, also congratulated Rwanda upon this achievement.

He said that despite the global financial crisis, his organization will ensure that the vaccine is available so that Rwanda’s child mortality rate decreases significantly.

Under the theme "counting out child death,” the Bugesera Mayor, Gaspard Musonera hailed government’s efforts towards improving health. He expressed optimism in the success of the vaccine saying it will significantly reduce the district’s child mortality rates.

Benrnard Poussot, the President and CEO of Wyeth, the company that donated the vaccine commended, Rwanda’s tremendous development progress adding that the country will serve as an example to others.

395,000 children under one year will receive the vaccine annually.

Other countries that have been approved by GAVI to roll out this programme include Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
