Premier Investors’ Service Directory in offing

KIGALI - The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) is compiling Rwanda’s Premier Investors’ Service Directory that will have information on all service providers in various sectors in the country.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Chairing national customer care campaign team, Claire Akamanzi.

KIGALI - The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) is compiling Rwanda’s Premier Investors’ Service Directory that will have information on all service providers in various sectors in the country.

Clare Akamanzi, the RDB Deputy CEO in charge of Business Operations and Services said that this would make Rwanda’s environment more business friendly, and facilitate investors and traders to do business at the lowest possible cost and maximum efficiency.

"Rwanda now attracts investors from all over the world and more efforts are being devised to maintain the trend by exploiting all the available trade and investment opportunities,” Akamanzi said yesterday on the phone.

The directory will assist potential investors to have information on any service provider as quickly and as efficiently as possible and compare services to make an informed decision.

This is expected to spur trade and investment hence promoting economic development to build a truly comprehensive and inclusive nation. The development comes amid challenges of lack of access to specific information especially on service providers.

Akamanzi added that this is also in line with the ongoing customer care campaign being undertaken. It is expected to have a great impact on improving service delivery and customer care, further positioning Rwanda as a regional business and service hub.

The directory to be made public by July will list different service providers, both private and public in the country. Through this, investors will be given an insight showcasing Government’s goals and vision as well as investment opportunities. 

To ensure that the activity is professionally handled, RDB has partnered with Great Lakes Communications and Media Centre Ltd (GLCM), a communications consultancy firm to develop and produce this directory.

Sources from GLCM indicate that the investors’ service directory comes after numerous petitions by investors who have often encountered challenges, especially access to information about service provision, government policies and key investment opportunities.

"It will be an opportunity for local service providers to list their products and services in order to stand out from the crowd and get noticed easily,” Corporate Communications Manager, Donnah Rubagumya, said. He explained that a directory is similar to what a compass is to an explorer.

"It drives clientele traffic to your business. It’s the most effective way of marketing one’s business.”
