Tips to be happy at the workplace
Wednesday, February 02, 2022

There is nothing as saddening and draining as working in an environment that keeps you sad and dispirited. 

As you apply for that job, perhaps you look forward to learning, doing your best and relating with people well. However, when that doesn’t happen as expected, chances are, your workplace might not be the best place to be. 

Truthfully, your job may be boring just because you found yourself in a career you don’t like. Sometimes it is not just about the money, but being where your heart feels at peace. If you don’t have any morale for that job, say goodbye to happiness. It’s either your happiness, or your money, or both. 

If you’re passionate about your job, even when it’s pretty tiresome on some days, you will be happy to work. There is something you ought to enjoy doing at your workplace every single day. 

If your job doesn’t have work-life balance, then it’s overworking you. Even if you’re a devoted worker who loves your company and  at times you sacrifice to work over time, well thanks but you’re human, not a machine- which is why you need time off work to focus on your personal life. 

Any job that doesn’t allow you to have weekends off to be with your family, just steals your happiness. You need time with your family, and friends. When was the last time you had a vacation, or treat? Workers are entitled to enjoy their lives away from work, that’s why, they’re even energised and driven to work their best as they feel fresh. 

Feeling left out at work isn’t something anyone deserves, whether with information, skills, or others. When you notice that you’re the only one not well conversant with a program, project, or unfamiliar about important information at work, it’s automatic; you will feel out of place. A solution to this is making sure that you put pride aside and ask people that know better in case of anything you want to learn. Even if it means asking your boss, feel free. Work is fun and more meaningful when you’re on the same page with your colleagues. 

How can you be happy at work when all you do is piling up assignments and even allowing yourself to take on more? One mistake employees make is to want to please their bosses. There is no harm in speaking up if you have a load of work that you would wish to complete first, before taking on new tasks. Otherwise, failure to meet deadlines will just leave you stressed, and work under pressure. Don’t allow yourself to take in more than you can handle.

Find a friend at work. I know most people don’t find it wise to have friends at work for reasons best known to them, but having someone you can talk to, laugh with and open up to, makes work enjoyable. If you’re not well, such friends are there to cheer you up or can decide to sit in for you when you’re unwell. It can even just be a lunch buddy—that one person you go with for lunch and just talk about sweet nothings. 

It is okay to give yourself rewards. You may decide to reward yourself whenever you accomplish a big task. Knowing that there is something you expect to do for yourself will just push you to work on your project in time. A reward can be anything you love and can afford, for example, a movie ticket for two, a massage package, a trip in the game park, shopping and much more. 

Take breaks, it’s healthy. I don’t know how you do it, but sitting on your computer for long without rest may just keep you tired and unproductive. Regardless of how many things you want to finish, a 15-minute break won’t be bad. Even if it’s just walking, stretching and sipping some water, do that. At the end of the day, there are no spare parts for life. You should make sure you are healthy, at all times.