NEC publishes list of 32 candidates vying for senatorial seats
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Senators during a session. The National Electoral Commission on August 17 published a list of 32 candidates vying for senatorial elections scheduled for September.

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) on August 17 published a list of 32 candidates vying for senatorial elections scheduled for September. They are contending for 14 seats in Rwanda’s Upper House.

They include 28 candidates representing four provinces and the City of Kigali, and four for universities or institutions of higher learning.

ALSO READ: Ten things to know about Rwanda’s senatorial polls

Article 99 of the 2019 organic law governing elections provides that candidates for elective senators are approved by the Supreme Court. It adds that the commission in charge of elections publishes a list of approved candidatures within 24 hours from the time when the Supreme Court has submitted the list of approved candidatures to the commission.

The commission [in charge of elections] submits to the Supreme Court for approval all candidatures received, a list of candidates and its observations on each candidature within three days from the day of closure of reception of candidatures.

Candidates elected in accordance with country's administrative entities

Regarding candidates for Senators elected in accordance with administrative entities of the country – four provinces and the City of Kigali – Northern Province has three candidates namely Laetitia Nyinawamwiza, Jean d'Amour Gatera, and Amandin Rugira.

Southern Province has seven candidates who are Pelagie Uwera, Innocent Nkurunziza, Innocent Iyakaremye, Aimée Jaqueline Umutangana, Adrie Umuhire, Sosthène Cyitatire, and Elisabeth Mukamana.

Five candidates represent Eastern Province. They are John Bonds Bideri, Aphrodise Nambaje, Angeline Urujeni, Fulgence Nsengiyumva, and Alvera Mukabaramba.

ALSO READ: Deadline for submitting senatorial candidatures extended

In Western Province, nine candidates: Emmanuel Havugimana, Celestin Kabahizi, Boniface Nyaminani, Theobard Mporanyi, Sylvestre Hitimana, Speciose Nyirabahire, Marie Rose Mureshyankwano, Cyprien Niyomugabo, and Bernadette Nzabamwita, are bidding for senatorial positions.

For the City of Kigali, four candidates: Hellen Katusiime, Pravda Mfurankunda, Edi-Jones Nkubito, and Esperance Nyirasafari, seek to become senators in the upcoming polls.

Public universities or institutions of higher learning

Anne Marie Kagwisage, Telesphore Ngarambe, and Evariste Ntakirutimana, are vying for one seat reserved for a representative of such public academic entities in the Senate.

Private universities or institutions of higher learning

Only one candidate, Penina Uwimbabazi, appears on the list issued by NEC, to represent private academic entities.

ALSO READ: 15 things you should know about Rwanda’s Senate

Article 80 of the constitution of Rwanda provides that the Senate has 26 Senators.

They include 12 senators elected by specific electoral colleges in accordance with national administrative entities, and eight senators appointed by the President, considering the principles of national unity, the representation of historically marginalised groups, and any other national interests.

There are also four senators designated by the National Consultative Forum of Political Organisations, one academician or researcher from public institutions of higher learning elected by the academic and research staff of such institutions, and one academician or researcher from private institutions of higher learning elected by the academic and research staff of the same institutions.