The musical soldier sings with the Army Jazz Band. He has a number of great tracks to his name. One can rightly call him a music star. Below he shares stuff you might not know about him: The first thing you do in the morning Pray to the Lord.
The musical soldier sings with the Army Jazz Band. He has a number of great tracks to his name. One can rightly call him a music star. Below he shares stuff you might not know about him:
The first thing you do in the morning
Pray to the Lord.
Earliest childhood memory…
When I was a kid in Masaka, Uganda, my aunt and I almost got burnt in a house. A friend tipped us that the house was being set ablaze.
When relaxing…
I listen to slows especially by Celline Dion.
If you have time to yourself……..
I do rehearsals for my music.
Your most valuable possession
My TV. I like watching TV.
When I retire…
I will help fledgling musicians.
Whom would you invite to your dream dinner party?
Bobi Wine.
What’s the most expensive thing you have recently bought?
A plot of land worth Rwf1.5m.
The closest you have come to death
When a boat I was on in Gisenyi capsized. I survived because I knew how to swim.
Childhood pastime…
Riding my bike and playing with my toy pistol.
Most important lesson from life…
Be polite, down to earth and friendly to all people.
What do people complain about you?
Not owning a car. Some complain that I date their women yet they (women) are just my music fans.
Favourite colour…
I feel happy when…
With my wife.
To whom would you wish to say sorry and why?
My ex. She got angry over a small dispute and I blasted her.