Bryan Lead on his journey as gospel singer
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Gospel singer Bryan Dadou Niyigena mostly known as Lead . / Courtesy photo

BRYAN DADOU NIYIGENA mostly known as Lead has embarked a solo career as a gospel singer with a brand new song dubbed "Data wa twese” after many years of composing songs for different other gospel singers.

Lead grew up in a family of Christians and his father was a singer, a good composer and pianist though he died before he could get to know him.

"I used to be in Sunday School like other kids from Christian families and time came when I had to join the choir. From there I started singing and later on started taking piano lessons,” he says.

Besides being a producer he majors in singing, playing piano and acoustic.

"During my high school I used to be in a choir and enjoyed being part of the worship ministry. My love for it grew daily and it became my passion,” he adds.

His passion for church music

"I am very passionate about church music because I want to make the glory of God fill the temple and bring down the presence of God either in church or wherever I have been appointed to be,” said Lead.

Even though church music is not popular in Rwanda, Lead is willing to keep going and work together with others who do church music to make worship songs for the church.

After completing his high school in Computer Science and Management, the 24-year-old went to  music school for three years abroad to major in church music specifically worship ministry.

"After school I started a ministry called Spirit of Worship Center where I used to make different big concerts that brought together different gospel singers, choirs and pastors. This ministry has four roles, which are street evangelist, charity ministry, training worship leaders and true worship, "he says

Under the name "Lead” his first song dubbed "data wa twese” is now out and can be found on his YouTube channel.

 "My vision is to contribute to the gospel ministry and inspire others who might want to do church music so we could come together and bring people close to Christ,” said Lead.