PSF should respect private media houses

I want to speak out my mind on Private Sector Federation staffs who take journalists for granted. I want to inform them that journalists are professionals not vehicles which are driven every where you want to go.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I want to speak out my mind on Private Sector Federation staffs who take journalists for granted. I want to inform them that journalists are professionals not vehicles which are driven every where you want to go.

Journalists have serious work to do and not to roam in town like idlers. I am one of the culprits of this circumstance. One day, PSF communication specialist called me at night to go and cover a story the next day.

Since I wanted to have more discussions with PSF staff on different issues concerning our business sector, I did accept to cover that story.

But to my surprise, they pulled me from the car which was taking 2 TVR journalists to the airport to cover the story and that I should use road transport to go and cover the story in Cyangungu.

When I told them that it was impossible for me to cover the story, one smart boy told me that I shouldn’t mind because they would give me money for facilitation.

Imagine that scenario? I wasn’t looking for money in the first place. I don’t know what he meant by facilitation money yet I had not covered the story.

Even then, I was not covering a story to get paid by PSF.  I think these people should not invite the print media since they are interested in TVR. It was an embarrassment. Please PSF, style up.

Frank Namara

New Times