Prevention starts with us
Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas is the best day for all Christians because we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We celebrate it on December 25 every year. In my family, on Christmas we used to attend parties, eat, and get gifts. But when the Covid-19 pandemic came to Rwanda on March 8, 2019, many things changed. We had to protect ourselves and this also affected the celebration of Christmas.

During this festive season, we have to protect ourselves from Covid-19, we should avoid greeting or hugging one another because you do not know if the people you are hugging have the virus. We also have to avoid unnecessary travel, since you cannot know if the people you are visiting have Covid, or you may meet with a person who is infected.

We have to wash our hands with water and soap or use hand sanitizer to kill the bacteria.

Let us not forget that Covid-19 kills but it is possible to prevent it. Let us obey the laws by respecting curfew so that we don’t spread the virus.