Questions unanswered
Friday, December 24, 2021

I’ve been celebrating Christmas since I was a child, though I never really got the meaning. People would buy clothes for that day and also stock food to eat. So this made me wonder and ask myself some questions, for example, what is Christmas? Do all people enjoy Christmas? Why is it celebrated? Who set the date of Christmas?

According to my research, I found that Christmas is a special day that recognises the birth of Christ. I also found that Christmas is a worldwide celebration for all believers in Christ. But I still haven’t found out who set the date, though I’m still trying. 

I also heard, when I was young, that there is a Father Christmas (Pere Noel) who delivers gifts to children on Christmas. I am still waiting for those gifts to this day. 

The pandemic hit in 2019, and led to the death of many people around the world and drastic changes that left many depressed.

Before the virus, Christmas was a day of happiness that almost everyone enjoyed. They’d go shopping and host parties. But we can’t do that as much now. We must continue to wash our hands, wear a mask and keep the distance. 

Wishing you all the best. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

By Kevine Umwali