Innovators must raise to the occasion and support school feeding drive
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

As the new academic year is anticipated to start in the coming few weeks, there is no better time to support the school feeding programme than now. Through the campaign "#DusangireLunch”, launched by the Ministry of Education in partnership with Mobile Money Rwanda and Umwalimu SACCO, every Rwandan can contribute.

While several individuals and companies have come up to support this normal cause, it is important that our young innovators to tap into their skills to boost the campaign by making it convenient for those willing to support.

An example is how Vuba Vuba, a local online delivery platform which initiated a method where one can order for goods and also contribute to the campaign using their platform. This is a sign that we can contribute in many different ways.

Imagine if all of us used our platforms to encourage others and facilitate them to contribute. Imagine if we all contributed.

The school feeding programme aims at among others curtailing school dropout, and the government covers 90 percent of the cost per child, with parents contributing approximately Rwf 1,000 per trimester.

ALSO READ: Education ministry, Umwalimu SACCO, Mobile Money Rwanda launch 'Dusangire Lunch' drive

Since the start of the School Feeding Policy, school dropouts have dropped significantly, with the most recent development being in 2021, where primary school dropout rates have decreased by 4 percent.

This important campaign, which not only helps children with nutritious foods, is also beneficial to local farmers who get readily available markets for their produce. It eliminates the issue of malnutrition and starvation for children who wouldn’t otherwise afford eating at school.

ALSO READ: Let’s share lunch with school children this Umuganura

School feeding is everyone’s business. It is a duty of companies, communities, and persons to ensure that Rwanda’s future is secured by keeping children at school and ensuring they are actually learning. We can learn from Vuba Vuba and feed a child. No contribution is insignificant.

This is also a clarion call for compatriots in the diaspora to support this normal cause, because no support is too little to keep our children in school.