More foreign players in the league will push us to work harder – Muhadjiri
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Police FC player Muhadjiri Hakizimana (C) poses for a photo with teammates after beating APR FC 6-5 penalties to win Super Cup title on Saturday. Craish BAHIZI

Rwandan international Muhadjiri Hakizimana has said that the increased number of foreign players in the local league will push their Rwandan counterparts to work harder and improve their game.

The league is continuing to attract players from various African countries including powerhouses like Ghana and Nigeria.

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In the current transfer window alone, numerous foreign players have joined various Rwandan teams ranging from champions APR who signed Richard Lamptey and Dauda Yussif from Ghana, to Police FC and Mukura VS that acquired Issah Yakubu and Abdul Jalilu respectively, from the same west African nation.

The list of foreign players in the local league is continuing to be longer, as almost every club has tried to have at least one.

Recently, the president of the Rwanda Football Federation (FERWAFA), Alphonse Munyentwari, revealed that they will soon announce a new policy regarding the number of foreign players allowed on the pitch for the upcoming season.

There is speculation that the number may be increased from six to eight, though FERWAFA is yet to communicate its decision.

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In a media interview, Hakizimana said he has no concerns regarding the number of foreign players in the league because they are just footballers like their local counterparts

"They will challenge me to keep working hard. I have played with many players, and I think I have shown that I can compete,” he said.