1Key's new album 'Kitu' blends self-discovery with poetic artistry
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Rwandan artiste Eric Ngangare, known as 1Key, has released his latest album “Kitu.

Rwandan artiste Eric Ngangare, known as 1Key, has released his latest album "Kitu,” a project that transcends traditional poetry to deliver a compelling narrative of growth, hope, and the pursuit of dreams.

Emerging from intimate jam sessions, the album captures 1Key's experiences across Africa and Europe, blending them into a powerful collection of spoken-word pieces.

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"Kitu” reflects 1Key&039;s current experiences, with each track exploring themes such as love, passion, and self-discovery. "I wanted to create something that I could look back on years from now and see who I was in 2024," Ngangare shared in an interview with The New Times, highlighting his focus on authenticity and personal reflection.

Like many independent projects, "Kitu” faced financial challenges. However, with the support of fans, friends, and his investment, Ngangare managed to bring the album to life. "The production process was a true collaboration," he noted.

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"Releasing half the album as a demo not only highlighted the appreciation for my work but also played a crucial role in funding the project&039;s completion," he said, referring to *Kitu Vol 1*, a compilation of six poems released earlier.

At its core, "Kitu” is a motivational anthem, encouraging listeners to believe in their dreams and put in the work to achieve them. "This album is about relentless growth and living authentically, offering a message of perseverance for anyone on their journey of self-discovery," Ngangare said.

The album, featuring 14 tracks and collaborations with artists like Prime Mazimpaka, Boukuru, Carine Poet, and Marumbo Sichinga, is available for €10 (approximately Rwf14,400) on his website, https://1keyziki.com/, with plans for streaming services to follow.

Working with Alyt MX music house, Ngangare pushed his creative boundaries, investing effort into perfecting each track. He invites listeners to explore their inner selves as he continues to push the limits of poetry.