If only there were drugs for much more than worms

Editor, I read with much interest the article carried in yesterday’s paper entitled, ‘Adult de-worming campaign for next month,’ about a campaign to de-worm the adult population living around lakes Ruhondo and Burera. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I read with much interest the article carried in yesterday’s paper entitled, ‘Adult de-worming campaign for next month,’ about a campaign to de-worm the adult population living around lakes Ruhondo and Burera. 

At first, I was slightly amused by the thought of grown ups taking the relevant medication, because I for one have never administered the same to myself, although I regularly give it to my children. 

But upon reading the entire article, I appreciated the fact that this was a strategic move to rid these areas of bilharzias. If only there was a drug that would rid society of all other potential ailments, especially one to be taken by adults.

Wouldn’t that help us all….imagine a drug to rid us of corruption, immorality and malice.  Unfortunately, we cannot just wish these things away, and have to work at them, deliberately and strategically, as if we were fighting bilharzias.
