FEATURED: BK awards top performers at University of Kigali graduation
Sunday, December 05, 2021

Bank of Kigali (BK) rewarded a total of Rwf 3,000,000 to the three best  performers from University of Kigali.

A total of 20 best-performing graduates were rewarded with various UoK partners during the sixth graduation ceremony that took place at Kigali Arena on December 3.

The first three students who graduated from the School of Business walked home with Rwf 1,000,000 each, which was awarded by BK.

Audrey Kazera, the Head of Marketing at BK told The New Times that they aim to promote academic excellence and value their relationship with UoK.

"At Bank of Kigali, we are committed to promote academic excellence. Today we are pleased to award the the best performers and encourage them to continue aiming higher. We also extend our appreciation to the University of Kigali for giving us this opportunity and value our relationship,” she said.

She added that the awarded money will go directly to the graduates' savings accounts because BK wants to promote a saving culture among youth.

"Their money will go into their saving accounts.  We want to promote a savings culture among youth and encourage them to start early,” she added.

"We will continue supporting education programs and initiatives in different aspects because education is a key pillar to the development of the country."

Kazera used the opportunity to welcome and encourage students to take advantage of the lender's products which can help them grow in different ways. 

The rewarded graduates, two men and a woman, obtained their degrees in business studies.

Jean Bosco Sinamenye, the first student who was awarded completed his bachelor's studies in Finance Department and appreciated BK's initiative of awarding them adding that the bank has been with him on his academic journey.

"I really want to extend my appreciation to BK for surprising us with such prize money. I have been their client since I started my studies and they were there when I needed an overdraft to pay my school fees,” he said.

He added that it is hard to get money in this economic situation and consider this award as a life-changer.

"After graduating, I believe that this money will help me start my small business venture. This gesture only encourages me to remain a loyal customer because they have never let me down," he said.

Another beneficiary, Françoise Ishimwe who graduated with a Bachelor's degree in accounting told The New Times that she was not a client of BK and commended them for the award which she highly needed.

"I was surprised and happy to be awarded by BK. I used to work with other banks but from now on I will start using BK and encourage others to join it,” she said.

She said that she has always thought about starting a business but she was concerned over how to raise capital. 

Eric Manirakiza, the last beneficiary also appreciated the award adding that he used to save but with other banks, not BK. Like Ishimwe, he said that going forward, he will be working with the lender.

He encouraged other youth to embrace the saving culture for a better future.