From clicks to progress: Rwanda's youth at the forefront
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Delegates at Youth Connekt. On Monday, August 12, the world marked the International Youth Day under the theme From Clicks to Progress Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development.

On Monday, August 12, the world marked the International Youth Day under the theme "From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development."

Rwanda stands as a beacon of hope for a digitally empowered generation. Our nation has made significant strides in bridging the digital divide, ensuring that high-speed internet is accessible to citizens in even the remotest corners of the country.

Other initiatives include creation of digital spaces for young innovators like Klab and FabLab, among others.

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This is a testament to our commitment to harnessing technology as a catalyst for progress.

The digital age presents unparalleled opportunities for young people to be creators, innovators, and leaders. It is a realm where ideas can be transformed into reality with just a click. Rwanda's youth are at the cusp of this digital revolution.

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They possess the creativity, energy, and adaptability to leverage these tools to drive economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability.

The internet has undeniably transformed our world into a global village. It has connected people across continents, fostering intercultural exchange and collaboration.

Our youth can harness this connectivity to build networks, share knowledge, and access global markets. They can create businesses, develop innovative solutions to local challenges, and become agents of change on a global scale.

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However, with great power comes great responsibility. The digital world is a double-edged sword. While it offers immense potential, it also presents risks such as misinformation, cyberbullying, and addiction.

There have been undesirable and unproductive terms introduced among the youth like Gutwika, which is literary doing all manner of unbecoming things for popularity.

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It is imperative that our youth use digital tools responsibly and ethically.

They must become digital citizens who contribute positively to society.

As we celebrate this International Youth Day, let us encourage our young people to embrace the digital revolution. Let them explore, experiment, and innovate. Let them use their digital prowess to create jobs, solve problems, and build a better future for themselves and for Rwanda. The possibilities are endless.

The journey from clicks to progress is not without its challenges, but with determination, creativity, and collaboration, our youth can overcome any obstacle. Let us empower them, support them, and guide them as they navigate this exciting and dynamic digital landscape.

The future of Rwanda is in the hands of its youth. Let us ensure that they are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities to thrive in the digital age.