School heavily indebted, head teacher suspended

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA  — The headmaster of Mutendeli Secondary School in Ngoma District, has been suspended for alleged irregular procurement of goods and not paying school creditors, which has led the school to swim into debts.

Monday, April 20, 2009


NGOMA  — The headmaster of Mutendeli Secondary School in Ngoma District, has been suspended for alleged irregular procurement of goods and not paying school creditors, which has led the school to swim into debts.

Oswald Sebazindutsi, was suspended last Wednesday, by the district executive after a closed district security meeting, held partly to discuss his fate.

The suspension follows an audit carried out by the district internal auditor, which discovered that the school had failed to pay its creditors to the tune of over Rwf83m.

The auditor’s report blamed the school’s heavy debt burden on Sebazindutsi’s poor financial management, as he headed every department of the school.

The report accuses Sebazindutsi of hiring teaching and none teaching staff without the district consent, whom the school owes Rfw1, 545, 500 in arrears.

The head teacher is also accused of acquiring maize flour and other related food items for the students on credit, without consulting the school bursar and other line managers- leading the school to accumulate a debt of over Rwf19m on food in 2008 alone.

A big chunk of the debt (Rwf23, 573, 961) is owed to Fina Bank and Rwf22, 832, 000 owed to suppliers of construction materials.

The school also owes Rwf4.3m to one Anne Marie Kansayisa, who makes school uniforms. Kansayisa is Sebazindutsi’s wife.

The audit also discovered flouting of the tendering procedures.

When contacted, the district Director of schools, Victor Jemadari, said that the head teachers’ final fate will be decided at a later date.

"We suspended him because of putting the school into heavy losses but he may be recalled or suspended indefinitely,” Jemadari said.

Meanwhile, sources say Sebazindutsi’s suspension came a few days after he was released from police custody for allegedly drinking while other people were attending the official launch of the just concluded 15th Genocide commemoration week.

He was arrested in Mutendeli, after he was allegedly found drunk, but released three days later.

Police sources, said he was arrested as a deterrent measure because his conduct would influence other people.