Sorry fear, not today
Thursday, November 11, 2021

One thing I know for sure is that fear is real; I have had moments where I avoided taking a step out of fear of the unknown. But sometimes, I think twice and push past the wall of fear, and guess what, it’s not as scary as it seemed.

I am in my 20s, I have many dreams to accomplish, and even lose count of them all sometimes. I have so many people I look up to but at times, I have doubts about my own capabilities, or if I have what it takes to be like my role models.

Journalism is what I longed to do ever since I was little. One specific moment that still lingers in my mind is when I watched a TV show that was hosted by kids of my age at the time. Their confidence and self-expression was phenomenal. I too wanted to one day stand and face the camera, without shying away, just like them. And I realised that to get there, I’d have to pursue Mass Communication at university no doubt. So I did, and graduated in 2016, and, thankfully, got a job with this paper in 2017. It was a great milestone because I love doing what I am passionate about.

I am also certain that fear is instilled by the people around us. The negative voices are way too loud. I remember a time after my graduation when I talked to someone close about applying for a job at a certain TV station here, she basically poured cold water into my thoughts—for reasons that don’t make sense anymore. So I actually lost heart to even apply to work on TV.

Fear has provoked a habit of procrastination in my life. I could’ve been a counsellor, photographer, TV presenter, author, poet, fashion designer, singer, public speaker and actress by now. These are all possibilities for me, but if you ask me what is holding me back, I can’t give a clear retort. When I read or even write articles about the people that have succeeded in the mentioned professions, I am fascinated by how tough it was for some, yet they kept going.  

Before Covid-19 hit, three friends and I were excited to start a company of our own. That’s something that gave me sleepless nights, wondering how we would get customers and penetrate through the market considering we were a start-up. I have always feared failing, but not because I am a perfectionist. I have, however, learned that failing is part of life and it comes with lessons. We started the company, just a group of young people ready to work together, but it collapsed because some members weren’t cooperative, among other issues.

But every time I think of starting a business, I somehow develop fright. But I will start it anyway. I am not limiting my abilities anymore. This year, I enrolled and embarked on a mentorship course, if I say I’ve been blessed, it would be an understatement. I have come to notice my purpose and use my talents to serve others. It is amazing how I am conquering fear.

I also started writing the first page of my book today and next year, God willing, I will be a published author. We should do what we aspire to do, whatever it is, a course, business, saving, do it, and don’t let fear stop you!