Rweru Sector celebrates new Rwf60m clean water supply project
Saturday, August 10, 2024

Eight years since they last accessed clean water, residents of Rweru Sector, Bugesera District broke into song and dance this week when the taps of their new water well were switched on for the first time.

Located at Ecole Primaire Nzangwa, this solar-powered water well not only serves the school, but also supports two other water collection points that were set up in the nearby village, ensuring access to clean water for the broader community of over 300 households.

Robert Angel of the Angel Family Fund and a resident of Cyeru celebrate shortly after the water taps were switched on for the first time. Courtesy photos

The well, a collaboration effort between Health Development Initiative (HDI), and the Angel Family Fund, is a huge leap forward in tackling different challenges including sanitation issues, waterborne diseases, and malnutrition.

Residents of a nearby village fetch water at one of the collection points connected to the newly established well.

During his opening remarks, the Executive Director of Health Development Initiative (HDI-Rwanda), Dr Aflodis Kagaba, emphasised the importance of the ongoing partnership with the Angel Family Fund and the significance of the location of the water well.

"The Angel Family Fund has been a pivotal partner in our mission, exemplified by the construction of this nearly Rwf60 million water well. I am glad that this project is in the district where HDI-Rwanda first began its activities almost two decades ago. This well not only honours our organisation’s history, but also reflects our belief that access to clean water is fundamental for community growth and prosperity." he said.

Beneficiaries share their views

Joseline Uwimana, a resident of Rweru Sector, shared her relief and optimism about the new water well, saying that she and her children have been spared the burden of walking long distances searching for clean water.

Joseline Uwimana, a resident of Rweru Sector, shared her relief and optimism about the new water well, saying that she and her children have been spared the burden of walking long distances searching for clean water.

"Getting access to water has been struggle. Even when we would manage to reach water sources, the water would be dirty and unusable. My children developed health issues because of that. It is a relief to know that my children can drink clean water and get to school on time,” she said.

Fillette Uwase, a student at Ecole Primaire Nzangwa, expressed her joy about the new water well's impact on her daily life since she is now going to have time to do her homework and play with other children.

Fillette Uwase, a Student at Ecole Primaire Nzangwa, expressed her joy about the new water well's impact on her daily life.

"I have been waking up at 4am to fetch water before school. I would get to school late. Now, with the water well close to our homes and school, I can manage my time better,” she added.

While delivering his speech, the Executive Secretary of Nemba Cell, Innocent Uwiragiye, highlighted the broader benefits of the project.

"We are very happy, having clean water means we can now provide food for the students at school without delays; this new water well will significantly improve the quality of life for our community, and we are grateful for this support.” Uwiragiye said.

Robert Angel, the founder of Angel Family Fund, shared his personal connection to the project, emphasising the importance of having clean water and how honoured he is to be a part of the project.

"My family and I have been coming to Rwanda for 16 years, and this country holds a special place in our hearts. Seeing the faces of the children and their families and understanding what fresh water will mean to them—not just in terms of hygiene but also in preventing illness—is profoundly moving. We are honoured to be part of this journey and look forward to continuing our support for the people of Rwanda,” he declared.

Following the water well inauguration, the next steps involve implementing comprehensive programmes to drive behaviour change and promote hygiene. Key areas include handwashing, safe water storage, proper latrine use, food hygiene, personal hygiene, as well community engagement in protecting the water sources.

Robert Angel of the Angel Family Fund at the launch
Residents of a nearby village applaud donors for the newly established well.
Residents of a nearby village fetch water at one of the collection points connected to the newly established well.