Education stakeholders trained on environmental conservation

Stakeholders in the education sector Thursday concluded training on incorporating education and sustainable development (ESD) guidelines in their lesson plans.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stakeholders in the education sector Thursday concluded training on incorporating education and sustainable development (ESD) guidelines in their lesson plans.

The one-day course facilitated by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) included social, economic and environmental aspects. 

This is expected to promote environmental and natural resources conservation to impact the present and next generations since children will have been empowered to grow up with these values.

"The Environmental education for sustainable development strategy that we have developed is the basis from which we designed the ESD guidelines,” said REMA Director of the Environmental Education and Mainstreaming Unit, Rachael Tushabe.

"Since stakeholders in the sector from all the districts are involved, we are optimistic that the message will impact the intended target groups for the better.”

Djuma Nsanzimana, the Environmental Education Officer at REMA, said that the goal of designing the ESD guidelines for schools is to change people’s attitudes and values towards sustainable development.

He added that this was in a bid to promote full empowerment of the populace in sustaining and adding value to natural resources.
