On whether commercial sex work shold be legalised

Commercial sex work is one of the oldest professions in history though not well accepted because of the moral implications.Last month, sex workers in Nairobi were agitating for the legalisation of the trade. The SundayMag made some rounds in an attempt to get views of Rwandans on the issue.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Commercial sex work is one of the oldest professions in history though not well accepted because of the moral implications.
Last month, sex workers in Nairobi were agitating for the legalisation of the trade. The SundayMag made some rounds in an attempt to get views of Rwandans on the issue.

Alfred Bahizi: "This is a commercial business like any other I wouldn’t mind if it were legalised after all the buyer and seller are not coerced to engage in it.”

Alice Mutesi: "This is so immoral a practice that it is punishable by both the earthly laws and heavenly ones. It should never be given a place in our society because it will degenerate our moral standards.”  

Jean Paul Kagabo: "If it was done in a well organised way, it would be profitable to the nation. It can be made a sub sector that would be taxed hence contributing to the national coffers like it is in some countries.”

Philippe Muganga: "In this age and time, it would not be appropriate to legalise it because it would increase the already rampant sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS. This scourge has hit enough and everything should be done to stop it and with such a move it wouldn’t help.”

Danielle Uwimana: "Like anything else, it would have both positive and negative implications. People should critically think about certain decisions before they are implemented.” 

Chantal Muhoza: "Imagine a child born out of prostitution?What future would it have? What about the family values it would definitely lack. I think it would do more harm than good.”

Bernard Ndoli: "Simply and precisely God would destroy the country like he did to Sodom and Gomorrah.” What’s your say? I wouldn’t want a decision that would lead to a Sodom and Gomorrah scenario. 
