Impressions: …on SMS-ing offertory and Tithe

It’s been a while without rambling for reasons well known. Am also human and for that reason, I had to join fellow humans to commemorate the Genocide against the Tutsi, carried out by those who seemed to have lost their sense of humanity.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It’s been a while without rambling for reasons well known. Am also human and for that reason, I had to join fellow humans to commemorate the Genocide against the Tutsi, carried out by those who seemed to have lost their sense of humanity.

I bet not even animal instincts can permit one to descend onto fellow humans and massacre them in their millions, it’s a tragedy that befell humanity and it should never happen again. The pain is still eminent across the country, wounds are still open and they will be for many more years to come.

In my capacity as the Rambler, I join the rest to say ‘Never Again’. So, did you expect me to feature on this page sometime last week, trying my best to churn out some humour to make your Sunday (that is what I always do) better? No, paliiz!

Well, am back and with very interesting things or rather news (especially to the Pastors), thanks to technology. News broke out on Tuesday that a Church in …..Finland has considered allowing followers who cannot make it to church to consider staying at home or at work but ensure that they send the offertory or tithe by SMS.

Way to go! We all know Finland as the home of Nokia but who knew that such an innovation could come up from the Men of God in Finland? Not even them, but am sure whoever came up with the idea got some kind of prophecy or vision from God.

I would very much encourage ours here, since Rwanda is the ICT Hub in the region, to be fast and jump on this ‘deal’ before the whole world gets to know it.

It’s very simple, run to MTN Centre and talk to those fellows. Before you know it they will be having a database of all your church members. Come Thursday, they should send a message as a reminder.

I guess it should read like this; "Praise God Brethren and Sisters, this is to remind you not to forget sms-ing your offering and tithe this Sunday. You should also remember to SMS other pledges and commitments you have made before. Otherwise, may God bless you”…Can I hear a Hallelujah?

Good news, isn’t it? Now for you all who dodge church, this sounds like bad news. You will have to immediately text the tithe and offertory. As a matter of fact, another reminder should be sent on Friday and Saturday. There is no escape Brethren.

Technology is so amazing that not even God will be left out. I laughed at a friend when he suggested that God should establish a Hotline or a toll free line, SMS line and an email because problems have piled up.

To him, not even a mediator can help deliver his prayers; it has to be direct to God. I laughed my head off but now am thinking of giving the whole idea a benefit of doubt. Everything is possible. This is very encouraging; I think I should continue with my plans to start a Facebook Church.
