The power of positive affirmation
Thursday, October 21, 2021

"I am not beautiful enough to partake in beauty pageants”, "I can’t apply for that job because I doubt I have enough experience”, "I can’t bother requesting for a pay raise as I am sure my boss won’t grant my request”, "I don’t think I will pass this exam, I have a feeling it will be hard”, "True love doesn’t exist, I have never found it.” And et cetera. 

Do you ever flood your mind with negative thoughts? It’s time to stop that because negative thoughts sabotage confidence, perspective and mood.

Many times we yearn to hear positive or optimistic assertions from people, as it has a way it boosts the soul and you completely feel empowered, smart, exhilarated, beautiful and so forth. But what happens when no one is there to remind you of how amazing you are? That’s how priceless positive affirmation is. 

I recently learned a shortcut to acclamation through a YouTube video, and truth be told, it works. What happens is after taking a shower and dressing up every morning, I look in the mirror and say positive things to myself like, "I am awesome, worthy, a winner, beautifully and wonderfully made, God is on my side, I will never lack,” and so forth. 

Such statements keep me pushing to know my worth, and they boost my self-esteem. My whole day becomes instantly better—that inner excitement like the one you get when someone promises to give you money. 

An affirmation is anything you say or think. It helps us build a positive narrative of our self-identity. It requires you to consciously choose words that will either help eliminate something from your life, for instance, laziness, negativity, procrastination, or other actions you’re not proud of, and help you create something new in your life. Surprisingly, each of us uses affirmations— knowingly or unknowingly—as we say things or think about them. However, you have the ability to eliminate any thoughts that create memories you prefer not to have. 

If you’re good at complaining, or have a hot temper, that’s affirmation too. It means that you’re proclaiming anger, and gripe. 

Do you know that affirmations grow? One writer once quoted that affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.

With affirmation, you decide what you want to be, if rich, then say that. The how’s and why’s are not yours to figure out. Admit that you’re probably not in the right state, and shift your energy to where you want to go.

You might start affirmation and expect results immediately. Be a little patient with yourself. Sometimes affirmations work fast and you instantly feel better, however, other times affirmations take longer periods to work. 

One thing I have found interesting is noting down affirmations. Once you put them in a journal, you’re assured of inspiration to keep you going. 

Experts say that affirmation can work because it has the ability to programme your mind into believing the stated concept. This is because the mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real or fantasy.

Once you decide to start the journey of affirmation, keep it consistent. You can start with three to five minutes at least twice a day. Say out the affirmations upon waking up and before bed. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times. Feel free to try it with a friend. 

Healthline notes that regular repetition of affirming statements about yourself can encourage your brain to take these positive affirmations as fact. When you truly believe you can do something, your actions often follow. Many people find it helps to link affirmations to core values, such as kindness, honesty, or dedication. This can help you remain focused on the broader picture of what really matters to you.