The secret life of...Ben Kalkman

Ben Kalkman Lawyer, Banker, Tennis player was born in the south of Holland, grew up on the island of Curacao in the Caribbean, is married with 4 kids who are living in Holland. Kalkman is the Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire du Rwanda.

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ben Kalkman.

Ben Kalkman Lawyer, Banker, Tennis player was born in the south of Holland, grew up on the island of Curacao in the Caribbean, is married with 4 kids who are living in Holland. Kalkman is the Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire du Rwanda.

Below we try to dig up some secret of his life:

Great moments…

Business lunches and functions. I like going out a lot and I am a fanatic tennis player and sometimes I play with His Excellency the President of the Republic. I also like playing golf with friends.

Hang outs?
I normally hang out in Torero café or Republica. I like socialising with my friends.

Favourite tennis player?
Roger Federer

Favourite childhood past time…

I grew up on a tropical island, so I liked swimming with dolphins. At that island I was the only makaba (Muzungu). 

Happiest moment?

A perfectly executed serve & smash on the tennis court.
What is your favourite word or the word you like using the most?

"Don’t worry, be happy.”

What makes your day?

If whatever I did makes a difference and people show their gratitude.

What was your turning point?
I had always wanted to be a tennis player but at 16, I went back to Holland to study law. Now I am a lawyer.

Any bad memories?
Not at all… I am a happy man.

What do you like apart from work, family and your social life?
I have lived in 10 different countries, I am fanatic with cultures of different countries and Rwanda is definitely my new adventure.
