Turn that frown upside down: The power of a smile at work
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Smiling is known to improve communication. / Net photo.

Imagine reporting to work with a low-spirited face all the time, it doesn’t only portray a lack of interest in what you do, it also disheartens others around you—making them afraid to interact with you freely—which can make the environment dull.

It might not feel like such a big deal, however, a smile boosts confidence, improves your mood and the mood of others, and builds better relationships. When it comes to the workplace, a smile can take you far and change the mood of everyone around you.

It is a scientifically proven fact that a smile stimulates happy thoughts, hence, making your day better.

According to Donata Kiiza, a public relations officer, a smile doesn’t mean that you hold a great position, have a heavy paycheck, or lack pressure and tension to submit tasks, but it somehow relieves you and assists you to relax regardless of the pressure. In the long run, it assists in averting depression, and echoes positive vibes, she says, adding that a smile illustrates that you are positive and sociable.

She says a smile is infectious, and workers who smile frequently may bring out the best in their peers. If you try to smile often, you may feel good about your everyday work.

She also notes that since a smile is seen easily, people who smile effortlessly are viewed as confident and easier to create friendships with. A confident worker comprehends everyday challenges and does whatever it takes to overcome them.

"Smiling may even make you more good-natured. It is also said to slow down the natural ageing process,” she says.

Research shows smiling often helps people appear more attractive and look younger than their actual age, WebMD notes. It may help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other visible signs of ageing in the face, too.

Claire Mutesi, a financial expert, says that a smile can go a long way, especially when managing others. It makes employees feel at ease with managers and creates a positive environment that can lead to better company culture.

Smiling is known to improve communication. People who smile are considered friendlier, therefore, easier to work with.

Mutesi points out that with a smile, a salesperson can convince a client to buy products, hence increasing the company’s profits. "Smiling is also a way of improving customer care. Serving customers while happy clearly indicates that you’re passionate about what you do. It’s the best advertising your business could possibly have.”

"Happiness improves productivity, as employees think clearly and form solutions quickly since they are not consumed with worry, and have more energy to direct towards their work. Happy people also want to support and encourage each other and instil the right positive attitude in the team,” Mutesi adds.

Experts say that a smile relieves stress by releasing endorphins (a hormone that helps humans to relieve stress.) In the corporate world, employees undergo tonnes of stress, therefore, a smile works as therapy in stressful situations. A smile is a good way to change the mood. It transforms one’s mind from stress or sadness to another state of happiness and refreshment.