Editorial: Let’s be exemplary

Dear readers your favourite weekend companion says hello. Thank you for being with us during the Commemoration week of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Rwandans still mourn. That was a terrible part of our history, we shall not be tied to it but we shall always commemorate it, so that we it may Never Again happen here or in another part of the world.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dear readers your favourite weekend companion says hello. Thank you for being with us during the Commemoration week of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Rwandans still mourn.

That was a terrible part of our history, we shall not be tied to it but we shall always commemorate it, so that we it may Never Again happen here or in another part of the world.

We can only ensure that an ideology that took so many years to be ingrained in our society is uprooted by being exemplary citizens.

Let’s first and foremost be reminded by the testimonies, Genocide memorial centres and other documentations that what happened is not something we shall ever be proud of.

This way, we shall tell our children, young brothers and sisters that nothing will ever be gained by greed. We should also teach our children the truth that there is no gain from vengeance and instead strive for justice and reconcilliation.

Let’s not just talk but also practice what we preach. Already this is happening in our beautiful nation.

This Sunday, we shall bring you more harrowing testimonies but we shall also have your regular pieces and plenty of wit and humour. We wish you good reading.
