Change is here!

Editor, We are seeing love flourishing in Rwanda. We can’t help but shed a tear of joy as we rebuild this great nation. Who said we will not make it? They were wrong. We are stronger than when we first began.

Friday, April 17, 2009


We are seeing love flourishing in Rwanda. We can’t help but shed a tear of joy as we rebuild this great nation. Who said we will not make it? They were wrong. We are stronger than when we first began.

Not that we haven’t faced challenging times, even death. But we have fallen and risen. We have let go of the past. Not that we are pretending it did not happen or are intending to forget what happened.

But we are breaking free from bondage and hatred. We are a new generation of future dinosaurs; Tigers of some kind. We are a different breed. We are the kind raised on iron milk. We are strong and resilient. We reward each one according to what they can do not where they come from.

We don’t take bribes. We are tough and we demand respect. Self respect and respect for our mother land as a whole. We are the people of tomorrow. You and me. The future that the future has been waiting for.

Stand up and be counted among the heroes. You are the man. You are the woman. Or should I put” woman” first?:)
