A dignified place of worship is not too much to ask
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
A believer praying from a cave. At least 100 'church caves' have been shut down in the ongoing crackdown, according to Rwanda Governance Board.

The recent closure of churches and other places of worship that failed to meet minimum legal requirements has sparked a national conversation about the sanctity of worship spaces.

While in some instances understandable concerns have been raised, it is essential to view this exercise through a broader lens of public safety, order, and respect for the divine.

For too long, some places of worship have operated in suboptimal conditions, compromising the dignity and safety of congregants. Stories abound of people worshipping in caves, basements, or makeshift structures that pose serious risks for worshippers or even those in the environs.

ALSO READ: Interfaith Council leader says churches ‘knew what to do’

Such conditions are not only disrespectful to the sacred nature of worship but also a hazard to human life.

The Bible, in its wisdom, instructs us in Hebrews 12:28 to "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe." This verse underscores the importance of creating environments that inspire reverence and awe.

It is imperative to emphasise that this exercise is not an attack on faith but a step towards ensuring that places of worship are conducive to spiritual growth and community building. By enforcing standards, the government is safeguarding the well-being of citizens while promoting a more organized and accountable religious landscape.

ALSO READ: Closure of non-compliant faith-based organisations: What are the essential requirements?

However, it is equally crucial to remain vigilant and ensure that this process is carried out in a manner that is fair and transparent, to avoid running a risk of some individuals exploiting the situation for personal gain or to settle scores. It is essential that the authorities maintain a clear distinction between enforcing regulations and targeting specific religious groups.

ALSO READ Over 5,600 churches shut down over non-compliance

Ultimately, the closure of non-compliant churches should be seen as an opportunity to elevate the standards of worship in Rwanda. By creating safe, dignified, and legally compliant places of worship, we honor both our faith and our commitment to building a prosperous and orderly nation.

Let us embrace this initiative as a step forward, not backward, in our spiritual journey.