This is very urgent- A new law is required

Editor, It a shame that innocent people are still being killed in Rwanda. The story in The New Times about the genocide survivor murdered in Nyamasheke is a shocking one! I am suggesting that law makers should reconsider death penalty.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


It a shame that innocent people are still being killed in Rwanda. The story in The New Times about the genocide survivor murdered in Nyamasheke is a shocking one! I am suggesting that law makers should reconsider death penalty.

Séraphine Uwankwera’s killers and all those who kill genocide survivors should be punished severely so as to deter similar incidents.

Honestly speaking, there is no way these people will be stopped from killing innocent people as long as they are not punished severely.

I am suggesting that a law specifically to deal with people who kill not only survivor but also witnesses should be put in place as a matter of urgency.

Rwanda is a unique country that requires unique laws to deal with its unique situations. Sometimes we are made to believe that laws manufactured/made from the West are universal  and can solve our problems.Get it from me they are not!

The law I am suggesting would deal with the likes of  Anaclet Nsanzinshuti the same way it dealt with Karamira and his team. Let all the law makers and our beloved President think about this issue.

Every year, several people are killed by the same killers who killed in 1994!  As the Kinyarwanda saying goes....Umusozi udakubita imbwa worora imisega (meaning that a village that does not punish its stubborn dogs, will only get lunatic ones!)

Paul Rwamzee Gabiro