How to stand out on your first day at work
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Punctuality says a lot about a person. / Net photo.

You applied for the job, stood out against everyone in the exhausting interview processes and it’s time to show up at work. First days at work normally come with mixed feelings; excitement and anxiety.

Your first impression matters- from the dress code, how you treat yourself, how you interact with others, willingness to learn how the company operates, and so forth.

Although panic can kick in, it shouldn’t be that frightening showing up for the first time at your new job. A few tips can help have a successful first day;

According to Clarisse Irankunda, the managing director at a local branding firm, being punctual says a lot about a person. For her, before one starts work, they should bother to know the appropriate time of reporting as this helps them time themselves and wake up earlier to beat the jam, if they are staying far.

"If company staff is to arrive at work at 8:00 am, you should be there 30 or 15 minutes earlier. This not only shows how interested you are in your position, but also indicates that you value the company’s guidelines,” she says.

Irankunda states that being friendly is one easy way to make friends and a good impression. By doing so, you can introduce yourself to others and also go an extra mile to know who they are and their positions, and make sure to remember names. It is quite embarrassing for someone to address you by your name yet you can’t recall theirs.

She states that smiling should come more easily and designates that you’re excited to meet your co-workers. But also, people find it soothing to approach you if you smile often.

Irankunda also carries on that your dress code defines you. "If you know your new company’s recognised dress code requires employees to dress in business attire, choose clothing that falls under the formal business attire category. No need to buy new clothes, you can try to accessorise well what you already have. Avoid overdressing as it may seem too much for work. Choose clothes that are comfortable.”

She points out that you should avoid clothes that reveal much skin as it can draw a wrong impression to your co-workers, and clothes shouldn’t be too dull.  For her, ensure that your hair is neat and tidy, and make-up isn’t overdone.

In a 2015 study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, research suggested that dressing up can help you achieve higher, more abstract levels of thinking. Additionally, the study found that dressing formally can also make you feel more powerful and increase your productivity when you need to think creatively.

Dominic Munezero, a sales and marketing personnel says that as a new employee, you ought to ask as many questions as possible to enable you to know what to do and how. 

For instance, what’s the preferred method of communication? Who do you report to? What are the key projects you should be aware of, what are the things you’re expected to achieve in the first week? How will your performance be measured? What meetings should be on your calendar? Who will you be working with? Who are the people you should try and meet that week? What time is lunch? Among other questions.

He also notes that your phone should be on silent to avoid continuous social media notifications that can distract you.

Munezero stresses that your main duties during your first day are to listen and pay attention to everything going on around you. This is a great chance to learn about the company’s goals and priorities.

"In case you’re invited for lunch, don’t turn the offer down as your co-workers would wish to know you a little more outside the office space. But also, be open to learning new things. Don’t try to show that you know everything, in cases where you have made mistakes or need help, feel free to ask,” he says.