Residents build for survivors

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — members of the Ruhango Itorero (Indongozi) have built homestead fences and modern vegetable gardens and extended support  for 20 families of vulnerable genocide survivors.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


RUHANGO — members of the Ruhango Itorero (Indongozi) have built homestead fences and modern vegetable gardens and extended support  for 20 families of vulnerable genocide survivors.

‘Indongozi za Ruhango’ members  combined their efforts with residents of Rugarama village in Ruhango sector to build the facilities as part of the conclusions of the official genocide commemoration week.

A group of religious leaders in the district also molded bricks for building toilets and other facilities  for the beneficiaries in Musamu village.

Etienne Kalima, the Ruhango sector executive secretary revealed the exercise was a response to a formal  request  by  genocide widows and  survivors in child-headed households.

"Outreach for survivors is very crucial during the commemoration. As such  the beneficiaries are set to  receive in addition to this form of assistance livestock to rear. Such forms of support  will continue in the future in a bid to give a helping hand to survivors,” Kalima said.

The two day work activity and other forms of support was estimated at Rwf.600,000 and attracted various local leaders.

Opinion leaders in Ruhango said that the activity is a sign of concern for the survivors by the community and a gesture of forging unity and reconciliation that contributes to nation building.

The leaders also shared and comforted survivors, and encouraged them to strive for a better future. 
