The Rwanda Food Commodity Board is a good initiative, but it must be efficient
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
Rwanda Food Commodity Board” will be purchasing produce from farmers and also help them afford agro-inputs. File

The government’s decision to establish the Rwanda Food Commodity Board is a significant stride towards empowering our nation’s farmers. For too long, the backbone of our economy has borne the brunt of exploitative practices, with middlemen siphoning off the fruits of their labor.

The new board holds the promise of a more equitable agricultural landscape. By purchasing produce directly from farmers at competitive prices, it will ensure that the sweat and toil of our farmers translate into tangible rewards.

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This is a critical step in uplifting our farming rural communities and improving the livelihoods of countless families, which will go a long way in creating wealth and boosting the economy.

Moreover, the board’s impending intervention is expected to disrupt the stranglehold of unscrupulous intermediaries, who have historically exploited farmers' vulnerabilities, especially lack of accurate information on market dynamics.

By creating a level playing field, the board will foster a more transparent and fair market environment.

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Another crucial role for the board is to facilitate value addition and access to finance. By aggregating produce, the board can create economies of scale, enabling farmers to process their products and access higher-value markets. Additionally, the board can serve as a guarantor, helping farmers secure loans from commercial banks, a challenge that has long hindered agricultural growth.

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As we anticipate the full operationalization of the Rwanda Food Commodity Board, we urge the government to prioritize transparency, efficiency, and farmer participation in its governance. By doing so, the board can truly become a catalyst for agricultural transformation and a cornerstone of Rwanda’s economic development.

The future of our agricultural sector is bright, and the establishment of the Rwanda Food Commodity Board is a testament to the government’s commitment to empowering our farmers.

However, once it’s rolled out, the board should be mindful of the likelihood of stifling smallholder farmers by focusing on large-scale commercial farmers.