Identity, unity and sincerity

In this age of TV and computers, it is so easy to be drowned in a world that exists only on our screens as we forget who we are. It is easy to forget our history, our culture and all the other things that make us who we are. We are the people of Rwanda, we are Rwandans and proudly so.

Monday, April 13, 2009

In this age of TV and computers, it is so easy to be drowned in a world that exists only on our screens as we forget who we are. It is easy to forget our history, our culture and all the other things that make us who we are. We are the people of Rwanda, we are Rwandans and proudly so.

It’s is so easy to believe that the world around us is as small as we want it to be. We are surrounded by a reality that is so easy to close out. But if we close ourselves from whom we are then we will lose our identity the very core of who we are.

We should embrace our own diversity and appreciate the qualities that make us different. It’s in appreciating our diversity that we will learn to understand and love even those who seem different from us.

When we remember and honour each other, it helps us to look at a future that is brighter than our past. This is a difficult history to learn from. It is difficult to learn of the loss our country suffered.

Its is not easy to move on and start over but with the right determination we can rise from the loss. This will only happen if we accept each other as individuals and love each other enough to live in unity.

Unity will come from acceptance of those around us as by treating each other as brothers and sisters. We need to identify ourselves as Rwandans who hold our country in our hands. This is home and we love it.

This is why we will never allow differences to break us. If we love our country we will learn to love everything in it. It was not a mistake or an accident that we ended up as Rwandans. It is now our identity- one that we should always take as an honour.

Diversity surrounds us in school and in class. We need to look at all people around us and sincerely appreciate each other, love each other and be glad that we are all here.

Be proud to be Rwandan and take it as your responsibility in the country. We love, care, appreciate, welcome and accept one another because we are a family and that’s what families do.
