Teens Hype: Insightful friendship

It was a very unusual night because we had illegally escaped from school. As we ran, we kept looking behind our backs for fear of being caught. So we walked along the shadows for safety. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

It was a very unusual night because we had illegally escaped from school. As we ran, we kept looking behind our backs for fear of being caught. So we walked along the shadows for safety. 

Every weekend, with a group of friends, we did this as a routine just for fun. We did this just to drink. When we reached the pub we ordered for drinks while laughing at how long we had survived the school spy network.

As we laughed, I started narrating all our past encounters to my friends. I thought of all the stupid things we had done and I wondered whether we were true friends. I kept asking myself, what true friendship was.

Even if I was doing all these things with my friends, I always kept in mind that many who were part of this group had been caught. They were expelled immediately and what made matters worse was that they had illegal materials in school.

How constructive the way we related  was a very big question for me because our group kept diminishing. That day as we drank liquor and other alcoholic drinks, I stood up. I called for a moment of silence in remembrance of our friends who had been discontinued.

After, making my speech, I questioned how realistic our relations were. I went on to present my view on how our escapades were a risky business for our futures. This was a serious matter because we needed to take heed.

I walked out and headed back for school. Luckily I was never caught. I quit escaping to drink and some of my friends followed my example. We later focused as friends to stayin school for the right reasons- making use of our school fees.
