Taking care of ourselves

A young boy named Charles was given a beautiful little calf by his parents on his 10th birthday. Charles was so excited to receive this present and he promised to love and care for his calf.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A young boy named Charles was given a beautiful little calf by his parents on his 10th birthday. Charles was so excited to receive this present and he promised to love and care for his calf.

He took his calf to the stable and tied it to the manger so that it would not wander off at night. He loved his calf and took great care of it everyday before he went to sleep.

One day, Charles returned late after grazing his little calf and found his father waiting to help him with his homework. Since he was in a big hurry, Charles did not bother to tie up the calf. On top of that, he also left the shed door open.

Later, went to say goodnight to his calf before he slept. He eagerly walked towards the shed. When he got there, his calf was not there! It had wandered off in the night. Charles was sad.

Luckily, they found the little calf outside the fence eating some more grass. Charles’ father took him by the hand and said he hoped he had learnt a valuable lesson from his experience.

Since he cared about his calf, Charles learnt that he would always make sure that it was safe and well fed in the stable. This happens to us too. As little children we have been given beautiful little bodies to take care of.

We need to take care of our body because it our responsibility. We need to eat healthy food and feed our little minds with the right knowledge. We need to be responsible enough by keeping clean so that we can stay healthy. Being healthy starts with us.
