Children talk about healthy living

My name is John Mupenzi Dushimimana. I am in 12 years old. Having good health is important for every child. I remain healthy by taking medicine every time I fall sick because I get cured.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My name is John Mupenzi Dushimimana. I am in 12 years old. Having good health is important for every child. I remain healthy by taking medicine every time I fall sick because I get cured.

I am Emmanuela Uwamwiza and I am 11 years old. Good health is when my life is free from diseases. I always keep myself away from dirt because dirt carries diseases.

My name is Paul Muhigirwa and I am 13 years old. Our teachers have always told us that being healthy also means doing simple physical exercises. During break time I play football and other games with my friends.  

My name is Paul Muhigirwa and I am 13 years old. Our teachers have always told us that being healthy also means doing simple physical exercises. During break time I play football and other games with my friends.  

Gisa Rogers is my name and I am 11 years old. Being healthy is good because it leads to a good life. Whenever I feel like something is wrong with my body, I tell my parents. Then they take me to a doctor.

I am called Emmerance Uwamwiza and I am 10 years old. Health is connected to hygiene. Staying clean in every part of the body is what keeps us healthy. I brush my teeth and take a bath daily so I am clean and fresh. 
