The seven sisters

Once upon a time in a village far, far away, there were seven proud princesses. They were always protected and no one knew their real names. They refused to marry saying that everyone was ugly and poor.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Once upon a time in a village far, far away, there were seven proud princesses. They were always protected and no one knew their real names. They refused to marry saying that everyone was ugly and poor.

One day, a poor clever man tried his luck. He went to ask whether he would marry one of them. The sisters told him they would only marry a man who knew their names.

The poor man went and hid in a common path they used when they went to fetch water. When the sisters passed by, he scared them. They started calling one another by their names.

The first princess called the second one, the second called the third until the last one. The poor man heard and memorised their names. The next day he went to the King’s palace and asked the king if he could marry the princesses. When the girls heard this, they laughed off their heads.

"How can we marry such a poor dirty man like him, you don’t even know our names, Ha, haaa…?”the sisters laughed.

The poor man started mentioning their names one by one until he named them all. The girls couldn’t believe their ears! They started crying and begged the King to help them.

The King was not amused that all his seven daughters were going to be wives to a poor dirty man. He could not let this happen. No way. He gave the man a bag of gold and told him to find his way. 

When the now rich man left, he told his daughters never to promise what they could not keep. From that day, the seven princesses became so humble and good to other people.
