Editorial: Healthy Living

Did you know that all children have a right to good health? Just like any other person, staying healthy makes your life easy to live. There are no children who like being sick.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Did you know that all children have a right to good health? Just like any other person, staying healthy makes your life easy to live.

There are no children who like being sick. When you are sick you do not feel happy because you cannot play with your friends, you do not feel like eating and nothing makes you happy.

Since this is not good, children need to learn how to remain healthy. You can do this only if you keep both your body and where you stay clean. Through bathing, brushing your teeth, washing your clothes and cleaning your bedroom, you can become healthy.

Healthy living is not only about being clean. Taking a rest especially after playing will keep your mind relaxed so that when you wake up, you are fresh and ready to do something new.

Most important of all, children need to eat well. Having a balanced diet is very important because this food make us grow. Always remember to also drink water at least three times a day.

Like the saying goes, "Water is life,” children who drink a lot of water are healthy and do not easily become sick.

Today, as you read and understand your right to having a good health, always remember to take good care of yourself as you enjoy your life.
