How can managers prepare for future challenges?
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Managers should make use of the growing technology. / Net photo.

There is no doubt that some businesses have collapsed due to lack of proper planning for the future. In some scenarios, managers wait until problems occur to seek solutions, a thing that leaves many firms in debts and losses. 

Regardless of how thoroughly you plan, unseen trials are bound to arise. As a manager, you need to be well prepared if you are to run your business effectively. 

Some business experts say that in order to tackle future challenges successfully, you need to establish consistent processes that help you evaluate, explore solutions, prioritise execution, and measure success. For instance, you ought to look for gaps and decide on the possible options for solutions. 

According to Mutesi Gasana, the CEO of Arise bookshop, under normal circumstances every successful manager succeeds at what they are doing if their focus is on the team. 

She says, the manager should centre on training and developing skills for the team; both in-house and online or short term training offered by specialised institutions. The more employees are equipped with knowledge, the better the company operates. This even reduces the rate at which employees quit jobs. 

Gasana stresses that the hardest part is to keep the team motivated and clearly focused on the vision of the institution. This requires the manager to be focused more though. A focused and motivated team will always bring in more than just results, but build a company’s reputation which boosts the future success and staying updated.

"Always check the technological transformations happening around the world and adapt to it for your company. Technology has become an urgent necessity than before and if the future has to be bright, then you can’t leave it behind. Therefore as a manager, have your team get equipped with technological skills,” Gasana states.

She carries on that employees should get used to creativity and innovation. This will not only bring them results, but will also keep them relevant in the market, and therefore securing a successful future. 

For her, workers should be encouraged to get certification in different domains because work is dynamically changing every day and they need to stay updated on different aspects of the institution and also be intentional in inquiring about the skills for the future. 

She also notes that managers and employees ought to work smart but not hard as they need a sound mind and a healthy body, a concept that many people normally tend to ignore. 

Always make it a point to avert multitasking, take more breaks, master the art of delegating tasks, plan tasks and prioritise them, and manage time effectively, Gasana adds. 

For Diane Mutoni, the founder of a local ICT firm, it is important to allow employees the opportunity to build quality relationships with their co-workers as this allows teamwork, collaboration, and increased productivity. This helps a company grow, and in case of any problem, it is better to solve it as a team. 

She stresses that your company should be set with the best online security, to protect online information, because hackers are continually taking advantage of companies with inadequate protection. Once the company’s information and email accounts are stolen, there is possibility of it collapsing. This is why she believes every company must have cyber security. 

Mutoni further explains that social media platforms are so much effective as they have the ability to reach a broad audience. If you can market and advertise for your new products with ease, you can attract new customers. But also, you can communicate easily with your customers and even be able to improve your services where need be. If that is worked on, you are sure of the bond you have with your clients.