Northern Province in the lead to stem Genocide ideology

NORTHERN PROVINCE RULINDO/GICUMBI — During the occasion to mark the  15th Commemoration of the  Genocide against Tutsi at Mutete Sector of Gicumbi district, the Governor of Northern Province Aime Bosenibamwe remarked that  a lot has been achieved to create unity and peace in the Province.

Monday, April 13, 2009


RULINDO/GICUMBI — During the occasion to mark the  15th Commemoration of the  Genocide against Tutsi at Mutete Sector of Gicumbi district, the Governor of Northern Province Aime Bosenibamwe remarked that  a lot has been achieved to create unity and peace in the Province.

"Northern Province is highly ranked  in the fight to uproot Genocide ideology countrywide”, said Bosenibamwe.

While moving around the districts that comprise the Northern Province, one is able to see sign posts erected all over the province bearing the anti- Genocide ideology slogans.

"This Province was once characterized by insecurity brought about by pro-Genocide insurgency groups which used to make incursions into Rwanda from the neigbouring Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC)between 1996 and 2000,” said a resident of Kisaro Sector Jean Marie Niyitegeka.

Residents interviewed by The New Times attributed the peace and tranquility now in the Northern Province to continued sensitization of residents to shun Genocide ideology.

Part of this entails the use of anti-Genocide ideology messages being conveyed  on sign posts erected on strategic locations. To lend support to this drive various organizations came on board to drive home these messages.

Notable among crusaders of anti-Genocide ideology is "Friends Peace House”, a Christian organization committed to uniting Genocide survivors and former Genocide prisoners.

The coordinator of ‘Friends Peace House’ Marcellin Sizeri says their organization has succeeded to unite over 15,000 families of Genocide survivors and former Genocide prisoners countrywide.

"We carry out trauma counseling services to Genocide survivors and unite them with former Genocide prisoners within their localities. We do this  through carrying out seminars conducted at Friends peace houses located in all districts”, said Sizeri.

Another organization is the Byumba Anglican Church Socio therapy organization. This organization  has also played a great role in providing trauma healing and assistance to Genocide survivors in the Province.

The Socio therapy organization is in addition engaged in supporting income generating activities such as rearing of rabbits, goats and pigs for Genocide survivors and other vulnerable groups in Rulindo and Gicumbi district.

Government’s effort to unite Rwandans under cultural institutions commonly referred to as ‘Itorero’, have also contributed to cementing love and humility in the Northern Province.

For the last two years, local leaders, school teachers and other residents have gained self respect, integrity and the spirit of working together to develop the Rwandan economy, through short term ‘Itorero’ courses conducted in the entire Province.

"Rwandans need to be united under one culture as it was in the past and desist from all forms of artificial differences that create social injustice,” said Minister Protais Musoni at a recent hand over ceremony of the outgoing Governor Boniface Rucagu to Aime Bosenibamwe, held in Kinihira Provincial headquarters. 

Minister of cabinet Affairs Dr. Charles Murigande gave a summary of the causes of 1994 Tutsi Genocide during the beginning of the 15th Genocide commemoration period at Mutete Sector of Gicumbi district. He  attributed the tragedy to  former colonialists who preached ethnic division for a long time.

"Commemoration is the only way to remember the causes of Genocide and to avoid its re-occurrence,” said Murigande.
