Preacher raps Genocide perpetrators

The Pastor of Miracle Centre, Theobald Samedi, Friday lashed at the people who carried out the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi calling their action ‘demonic’.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Pastor of Miracle Centre, Theobald Samedi, Friday lashed at the people who carried out the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi calling their action ‘demonic’.

Samedi said this during a service to pray for the souls of the victims of Genocide which began on April 7 at the church’s premises in Kicukiro.

"Those Rwandans who spilled the blood of the innocent victims were not being driven by the Holy Spirit but by the spirits of the demons,” said Samedi.

According to Samedi, his church will be holding very many commemorative activities during the week. Some will include praying for the victims in Kicukiro District where the church is located and for the Christian survivors in their homes.

He also revealed that many survivors who are part of his congregation have decided to forgive those who killed their loved ones in the Genocide.

Gertrude Kayitesi, one of the Christians whom the The New Times spoke to said that all Christians need to commemorate the Genocide while remembering the innocent lives that were taken by the catastrophe. She also urged them to always fight the Genocide ideology.

"Every Rwandan needs to change their mindset and develop love for humankind because all people were created in the image of God,” said Kayitesi.

"We need to love one another so that we can uproot the Genocide ideology by saying Never Again.”

Rwanda is commemorating 15 years since the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi took place. Over a million people were killed in a period of a hundred days.
