Revisionism will not stop us progressing

By noon sharp on the 7th I stood up in my office, for a minute, to remember a million lives that perished during the bloody 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

By noon sharp on the 7th I stood up in my office, for a minute, to remember a million lives that perished during the bloody 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

A thousand thoughts, memories, wishes, questions and images of me at an invisible place attending a special vigil came into view in my mind. It was a very short period, but a tough time one.

Before I opened my eyes, still in the moment of a touchy silence, a question that has always appeared to challenge my psyche came back once more.

The question is that while we are trying to move forward and rebuild ourselves, even up to today, how does the world explain the existence of genocide deniers; those that diminish and down play it?

The existence of such human beings denying the genocide, for God’s sake including Rwandans in this case, discourages me a lot. It beats my understanding. It makes me feel weak.

It proves to me, and many Rwandans, how irresponsible the world is still and it proves to us why we still need to fight a lot seeing that we have a long way to go.

It does however not discourage me from moving forward and enjoy the life I have today.

If survivors can look into the eyes of the killers, those who slaughtered their parents, their siblings, their relatives and friends and those who raped them, are enough to make us, Rwandans believe the existence of the power to live and rebuild our lives and hearts.

But the fact that Rwanda, seemingly small and poor, cannot do anything about the failure of countries, we believe to be friends, to get hold of the murders and genocide deniers but instead hide our them, does not remove the fact that we were able to stop the genocide and we will always fight it. We just brand such ‘friends’, hypocrites and haters of peace.

This year’s commemoration theme states, "Let us keep alive the memory of Genocide against Tutsi by fighting its revisionism as we build our country.”

We will always remember and we will always fight to stop any mayhem happening again. Yes, we are trying to make a new chapter of life, however hard it is, but we will continue and no one will stop us.

We will prove that the sacrifices .rendered by some Rwandans, to prevent the extinction of our lovely country live on and has meaning to all of us.

Together as countrymen, we deserve a bright future, and we will decide it ourselves. We welcome any hand to help us shape the future and yes we know what we want and we need to be heard. 

Certainly, survivors of the genocide have done more than enough; they have proved their courage to live. They are extraordinary human beings and they need people to know their story.

They need someone to listen to them and they need someone next to them.

Some where in the world some people do care about their story but others don’t and have always shown it in many ways, including accusing those who saved their lives as killers instead.

In the absence of the presence of their brothers and sisters, lovely relatives, mothers and fathers, esteemed friends and neighbors; we stand not to turn back. And our aim is to make a difference and rebuild out country.

We should make a promise to ensure the safety and comfort to the survivors. They need to live a better life.

Some people don’t value their lives but they disserve it and today we stand to say that they we will never see such a thing happen again. Whoever denies the genocide and remains adamant to it will die ashamed.