Roll the stone away from your heart

Mark 16:1-4 “When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mark 16:1-4 "When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body.

Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, [who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?] But when they looked up, they saw the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.”

The truth is there is a lot going on today either in our lives or in our surrounding. It either scares us or it makes us strong, so as to face the future boldly and with experience.

This period is a time when we remember the death of Jesus and His resurrection on the third day. Sadly it is also the time when we commemorate the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and the moment when the death of our beloved ones is still fresh on our minds.

We have received many messages of hope from many significant people in Rwanda and around the globe but one fact is that there are questions that do fill people’s minds.

Such questions include: How is it going to be after this month? Will I be fine after all the things I have remembered this month? Will I ever forgive those responsible?

That is the question you’re going to answer yourself because it’s just about you and you have the key to the innermost person in you. Or if you don’t, someone can help you heal and mend that heart. The stone has been rolled away for you.

Recently, I happened to read the bible concentrating mostly on the few scriptures that emphasise the death and resurrection of Jesus. It’s true that we all have stones that we want to roll away so as to break free in our lives.

The stone could be a feeling of rejection, a sense of resentment, discouragement, despair, failure or whatever it can be. Maybe it’s weighing hard on you and this being an emotional period; everything seems so fresh.

The question you keep asking yourself is who shall roll away the stone? A few helpers to turn over the new leaf for you:
One scholar said the great prophet of one’s self, is themselves.

If you are going to look for someone to help you in any situation or to prophecy greatness, start with you. Biblically, when Jesus died, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, a clear indication that any one can go to the holy of holies.

Ok, out of the bible, who do you think knows you better than you do? If it were up to me to answer; no one can know what I am thinking in particular times, no one can help me over come rejection without my help.

Every individual is endowed with great potential to transform themselves and the people around them. Start to roll away your stone and your burden, and after someone realising that you really want to, they will come to your rescue, but after you have tried to do it on your own.

Claudette Renner says, "The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him, his own especially the potentials”.

It’s true that everyone hears what you say, and friends listen to what you say but best friends do listen to what you don’t say. Where you stop, commences a friend, not just a buddy but a friend indeed.

When we have burdens or when we are fighting with our habits, we relapse or loose hope and that’s when our friends are supposed to act immensely.

Please let a friend turn over the stone for you. May be they has been there, and they know what it takes for you to stand strong and let go of every pain, sorrow, resentment, rejection and many more.

We all have relatives, either by blood, foster or by compassion. For those who have good and unselfish relatives, they can help you a great deal. That is, if you can give them a chance.

There is only one reason why we have families, not only to belong but also to work hand in hand and helping us in our daily hurdles.

I happened to be lost in rejection but it was only a hand of a cousin that made a difference in my life. Try a comparative; you won’t believe the wonders there after.

Do you think God paces all over heaven looking for an answer for your questions or in order to provide your needs? No, He always needs you to go to Him and let Him know that you need His help.

He always comes in as the last option yet the best one. Much as some people say He covers the psychological satisfaction, he does great things in our lives. For all the worry, run to God and let Him help you roll away the stone.

As we celebrate the death and resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ, let the stones be rolled away in our lives and let a new chapter start. Jim Rohn says "if you care at all, you will have some results, and if you care enough, you will have incredible results.