EAC agree on draft protocol provisions

In a multi-sectoral meeting held in Kampala Thursday, the Ministerial Council of the East African Community (EAC) agreed on many provisions of the draft Common Market Protocol.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

In a multi-sectoral meeting held in Kampala Thursday, the Ministerial Council of the East African Community (EAC) agreed on many provisions of the draft Common Market Protocol.

"The negotiations of the E.A.C common market have reached consensus or agreement on most of the provisions in the draft protocol,” E.A.C Minister in Rwanda, Hon. Monique Mukaruliza said.  

She acknowledged the fact that the common protocol is a great deal for the partner states and its progress will cause a huge impact in each of the countries.

However, there are three outstanding issues that are still pending and not yet agreed on as some partner states say that they are not ready to adjust their national laws since some articles of the treaty don’t side with their provisions.

The issue of land and building to be accessed and used by a national of one member state situated in the territory of another partner state for purposes of establishment as provided in the draft copy caused a heated debate when they disagreed on what to include in the final protocol.

While Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi agreed that it should be subscribed to our national laws, Tanzania wants this provision to be deleted from the article because it doesn’t apply to their national laws.

Another issue is the permanent residence article that provides for a member who lives in the country of another partner state for more than five years to be granted permanent residence.

Some partner states are against its implementation but the countries that are not in favour of theses issues said that they would state their stand and suggestion as to what should fit. 

"All hope is not lost since these issues will be taken to the Heads of State (Summit) to decide on the final copy and then sign it,” Hon Mukaruliza said.

"After the summit signing it, the council will be tasked to start issuing regulations and directives and then the protocol will start operating on some of the principles.”

The protocol is envisaged to commence its procedures in January 2010.

"However it will depend on the schedules of each principle on how the market protocol will be implemented.”

Common market is a stipulation for the E.A.C integration after the monetary union, custom’s union and the political federation.

Its overall objective is to widen and deepen cooperation among the partner states in economic, social and cultural fields, research and technology for their mutual benefits. It also provides for four freedoms that is free movement of goods, persons, workers and services.
