Navy beans: The health benefits
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Navy beans can be found in local markets. Photo/Net

The navy bean, haricot, white pea bean, or pea bean is a variety of the common bean. It is a dry white bean that is smaller than many other types of white beans, and has an oval, slightly flattened shape.

Navy beans are common in local markets with a kilogramme going for Rwf 1,000.

If you want to increase your consumption of plant-based foods, Erick Musengimana, a nutritionist at Rwanda Diabetes Association, says navy beans are a good option.

Among the many benefits of navy beans, he says, is their potential ability to boost cognition and memory, protect the heart, optimise digestion, and promote healthy circulation, among other benefits. 

He says they are also high in carbohydrates, fibre, and are protein-rich, noting that studies also show numerous health benefits directly related to the high content of essential nutrients and phytochemicals found in these beans.

According to Musengimana, navy beans have high nutritive value and protein content as well as folate.

He explains that folate is a key nutrient for many different functions within the body, including the prevention of neural tube defects and anaemia.

The nutritionist adds that navy beans also contain magnesium which helps keep the heart strong and protected.

Folate may decrease levels of homocysteine, which is a dangerous precursor to heart disease, while magnesium functions in a similar way as potassium, reducing tension and stress in the blood vessels to lessen exertion and lower blood pressure, thus preventing heart attacks and strokes. 

Studies also show that navy beans are extremely high in fibre, which is a key component to good gastrointestinal health.

They contain almost 10 grams of fibre per half-cup serving. This fibre is both soluble and insoluble, each of which plays an important role in a healthy diet and proper body function.

The fibre in navy beans, according to studies, is able to bulk up the stool and prevent symptoms of constipation and diarrhoea. In addition to this, fibre makes bowel movements more normalised by stimulating peristaltic motion.

It’s also believed that a good fibre diet cleans the intestines and prevents more serious gastrointestinal issues like gastric ulcers.

Musengimana says these beans are also a rich source of protein and complex carbohydrates. These two macronutrients are essential for muscle growth and repair.

He adds that the primary function of protein is to build and repair cells in the body, including muscle cells damaged during exercise.

Lysine found in navy beans is one of the building blocks for protein and there is 473 mg of this amino acid in a half-cup serving of navy beans.

"Navy beans are also believed to be a rich source of many important micronutrients, including folate, iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium,” he says.

For instance, Musengimana says, it has been established that one serving of these beans also supplies approximately 16 per cent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for potassium, a mineral required for proper body function.