SKOL Brewery Ltd continues commitment to supporting local community
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
SKOL Brewery Ltd, invested in supporting 60 vulnerable families (totalling 434 individuals) in collaboration with FXB Village

As part of its ongoing dedication to corporate social responsibility, SKOL Brewery Ltd proudly announces the continuation of its support to the local community through FXB Village. This initiative underscores SKOL’s mission to foster socio-economic development and enhance the well-being of those in need.

In the past years, SKOL Brewery Ltd, invested in supporting 60 vulnerable families (totalling 434 individuals) in collaboration with FXB Village. This substantial investment has played a critical role in helping these families lift themselves out of poverty.

To maintain and strengthen this impactful relationship, SKOL Brewery Ltd pledged to continue providing essential materials to FXB Village beneficiaries on a yearly basis. These range from cleaning and construction materials to items like blankets and kitchen utensils which are vital for the ongoing support and development of the beneficiaries.

This initiative underscores SKOL’s mission to foster socio-economic development and enhance the well-being of those in need

"Our commitment to social responsibility is unwavering,” stated Thibault Relecom, Shareholder of SKOL Brewery Ltd. "By continuing our support to FXB Village, we ensure that these families receive the help they need. This not only reinforces our ties with FXB but also highlights our dedication to supporting vulnerable communities and aligns with our long-term sustainability goals.”

Emmanuel Kayitana, FXB Rwanda Director, highlighted that they are dedicated to taking even more steps towards sustainable development. He assured the guests that these materials will be put to good use and that they will continue to follow up on them as they usually do.

The Mayor of Kamonyi District Dr Sylvere Nahayo appreciated Skol Brewery LTD for this initiative and FXB Rwanda for not only providing and helping these beneficiaries to get different things in their daily lives, but for also following up on them day to day.

Thibault Relecom, Shareholder of SKOL Brewery Ltd, at the event. Courtesy

Beneficiaries acknowledged the impact SKOL’s support is going to have in their lives. Emmanuel Tuyizere said the money from FXB Rwanda has helped him and his family and it is just the beginning because he has used the money to start a chicken business and he has been able to take his children to school. Another beneficiary, Mukamusoni, said she used the money to buy pigs and rabbits to help in sustainable development. FXB Rwanda also paid her children’s school fees and some of them are now done with high school.

SKOL Brewery Ltd is committed to driving positive change, promoting health equity, and empowering individuals to lead healthier lives. This continued support to the FXB Village programme exemplifies SKOL's holistic approach to corporate social responsibility, ensuring that both employees and the broader community have access to vital resources and support.

About SKOL Brewery Ltd:

SKOL Brewery Ltd produces both alcoholic and non-alcoholic malted beverages, as well as Virunga Water, the first locally produced water packaged in returnable glass bottles. Committed to fostering socio-economic development and promoting a healthy lifestyle, SKOL Brewery Ltd drives positive change and contributes to the overall development of the communities it serves through various support initiatives.

SKOL Brewery Ltd proudly announces the continuation of its support to the local community through FXB Village
Beneficiaries applaud SKOL Brewery officials for their support.